Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"You have done 18, you can do 20"

My long-anticipated visit to Dr Story came this morning and I was one eager beaver to get there!  I arrived 30 minutes before my appointment time with X-Ray in hand.  He walked into the examining room right on time and thankfully, I felt like he really HEARD me, heard my desperation to get resolution before the 3 day walk in 3 weeks.  He twisted my leg this way and that, poked around (OUCH!) and then told me that it is tendonitis caused by a strain to the hamstring muscle.  He pulled out a diagram of the leg and showed me how the hamstring comes down the back of the leg and wraps around the knee exactly where I felt the pulling and strain on Saturday.  I may have taken the hills a little too fast, didn't shorten my stride, or over-compensated for my feet blisters, but that was what he said it was.

Now, the plan of attack is to take 2 Aleve 3 times a day for 3 weeks until the walk and to ice it for 3 weeks as well.  After a week, he wants me to do some small, slow walks, 2-3 miles and work up to 5+.  If I feel anything I am to STOP and call him.  He said, at this point, you have nothing to prove.  You have done the training, you have walked 18 miles, you can walk 20.  But the goal is to get you there, healthy and able to do the walk.  I felt like kissing him right then.  But he also said he can give me a shot of cortisone if needed, but that he would prefer this plan first.  He felt that physical therapy wouldn't be much help right now, especially with the short term urgency.  So I feel like I have a PLAN!  Thank you, Dr. Story for listening!  I stopped at Rite Aid on the way home and bought an ice pack with a strap so that I can be mobile while icing.  Sitting on the sofa 5 times a day is just not going to happen!  Here is the lovely wrap now.  It's so fashionable!  Who cares!  I love it.  It is perfect!

But most importantly, in my rant on Monday about my GP, I neglected to share how the morning started.  I was at the computer sending emails to clients, when UPS drove into the drive way.  I went out and retrieved the box he left there and when I opened it, this is what I saw

OK, Pink Duct Tape!  No "Flamingo Pink" Duct tape!  I stood there for a minute, wondering if I had ordered it and if so, when?  (This is what happens when you are old, you forget that actually have done things).  After a minute, I pick up the invoice and look at it

Now it's small print.  But as I look more closely, I see this " PINK!  I don't actually know if pink duct tape works better than boring silver, but it sure is fun looking.  Try this out in the next month and see if it helps.  Love you, Kelly.

Awwwwwwwwwwww, now Kelly has been one of my greatest cheerleaders.  She is one of Teryl's best friends and has spent many an evening on the sofa in our house when they were in high school.  I love Kelly.  She is an amazing woman, living in DC now, buying a condo, worked heavily on the inauguration for President Obama and gives tirelessly to charities, such as the Susan G Komen (which she has participated in) the Race for the Cure and many more events.  She runs, she walks, she crews, she HELPS!  With her mother as a survivor, she has a profound personal reason to believe in the cause. 

And somehow, she believes in me too.
If that isn't reason enough to make her proud, I don't know what is.

I plan to make you proud, Kelly.  I love my pink duct tape!

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