Thursday, June 17, 2010

To listen or not to listen?

There is a lot of talk on our weekend training walks about music.  Not what type we listen to, but whether or not we listen when we train alone during the week.  I love my music.  I mean, I REALLY love my music.  If you asked me which you could take from me, my television or my IPOD, there would be no question at all.  Take the television! 

But when I train, it's different.  During the week, I walk with my dog Bella, who has become quite the good walker, I might add.  A month ago, she would hesitate and sniff and pee and investigate every few steps.  I have to keep up a certain pace, so she has quickly learned that we need to keep going!  I definitely give her breaks every half hour or so, and consuquently we are a much better team now!

Back to the music subject.  I do not listen to music when I walk.  I really do enjoy listening to the birds, hearing the stream and even the wind through the trees.  Of course, if I were training on a treadmill, I would do anything to break the boredom.  But walking outside is so much more relaxing and enjoyable.  I honestly feel more relaxed when I walk outside.  Somehow for me, adding music to a walk is more distracting from the pure pleasure of being....  breathe the air, hear the sounds of nature. 

MP3 Players and IPOD's are not allowing on the actual 3 day walk.  Cell phones can only be used when you are not walking.  So why confuse the issue and train with one now?

For me, sweet nature and all that it brings, is the perfect reward to getting out there and training. 

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