Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wedding Weekend in Portland and Walking Catch up!

Last Saturday, my youngest son Jon(athan) got married!  It was a crazy busy week!  My granddaughter Haedin arrived on Sunday.  Everything comes to a screeching halt when Haedin is here!  It is play time, which is serious business...and is also tiring!  Since she was here during the day while her Dad worked, there was no way to get in my usual walking.  So I am feeling a little sluggish and behind the eight ball. 

When we got home from Portland and all of the festivities on Sunday evening, I was plain exhausted.  I did go work out today and it was a butt-kicker!  But I also have been up UP since 4 a.m.  Ugh.  I will be tired again tonight!

Tath, our group leader is out of town for the next two weeks.  Someone else has scheduled a back-to-back walk for the weekend and I hate to admit it but I am not very excited about it.  It looks like I will also be holding an open house, which I am also not very excited about.  I guess I am just not excited!
It also doesn't help that the weather has been rainy and yucky.  So I need to gain some energy and get back out there.  The last walk I did was the 10.5 walk a week ago and if I don't get some walking in this week, the weekend walk will be HARD.

What DOES have me excited however, is the fact that I now have $2,000 toward my $3,000 goal!  Yippee!  I am very happy and grateful to all of my friends and family that have donated to my walk.  Thank you so much!

For now, I am working on getting motivated to walk tomorrow and Friday and then, yes, I will walk that 10 miles on Saturday.  Whether I will walk 8 miles on Sunday remains to be seen.  It is Father's Day and I am working, so it may not happen.  We will see!

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