Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday Evening Training Walk

The weather forecast for the day was 80 and sunny.  Now, anyone who knows Seattleites knows that we are wimps in the sun.  Myself included.  I was really not looking forward to 80 degree walk, especially since Wednesdays tend to be full of massive hills because they are shorter walks.  I lucked out and the weather cooperated!  The marine layer stayed on for most of the day, keeping the temperature a perfect 72.  Whoo Hoo!  I will take it.  It was a little humid from the clouds, but hey, you can't have everything.   This was also the longest walk to date in my new shoes and insole.  I am happy to report that the tops of my feet did not hurt at all!  I was even walking at the front of the pack with Jamie, who always far out walks me.  Tath even took a picture of us, it was amazing how much faster you can walk when you are not in pain. :-)  That said, I do feel some pressure on my toes and I suspect that is just from having new shoes.  The true test will be on Saturday when we walk 16 miles. 

Terry rarely makes the Wednesday walks, we meet up at 5:15 which is hard to do when you are working.  The group always goes to dinner after the walks (do you see why no one loses weight??) and I haven't gone to dinner on Wednesdays yet.  I called Terry and he said "sure!" to the dinner meet up.  It was Tath's birthday, so a good excuse to gather.  OK, maybe I had a margarita too.  But I did stick with a salad, does that count??

This weekend we have a 16.5 mile walk on Saturday and a 12 mile walk on Sunday.  Terry is golfing Sunday so I will be walking without him.  I need to get as many back-to-backs in as possible.  They really do make a difference in your training.

Happy Thursday!

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