Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cookie Monster was here

A few months ago, when I was really worrying about my fund raising, I had a little "contest" where I held a cookie drawing of all contributors if I could raise $500 that week.  I raised over $700 that week and had my drawing.  The winner was Jan O'Neil.

After a couple of scheduling mishaps and busy summer, we were finally able to make a date: August 10th.  Now, Jan is a first grade teacher.   An awesome first grade teacher, just like my sister-in-law, Linda.   There is just a wee bit of enviable child in her.  For example, she loves Disneyland.  I mean, she has a love affair with Disneyland!  That infectious happy joy is her aura.  (I just really wanted to use that word).  So, when I asked Jan what kind of cookies she wanted, (I am picturing white chocolate macadamia nut, crystallized ginger, some gourmet type cookies) Jan's answer was "my Mother's Christmas cookies".  Alrighty then, Christmas cookies it is!  Jan sent me her Mom's recipes and the plan was set.  Jan also wanted to help bake the cookies (of course she did!!) so a fun girl day was in store for Jan, Linda and me.  Christmas in August.  Queue the Christmas music (yes, seriously!) and I started making cookie dough at 9:30.  It was raining outside, which was actually perfect.  Two ovens going and the  kitchen can get hot!  There were 4 recipes and I doubled each one, so 8 batches of cookie dough later, it was 1:00 and the ladies arrived.
Sustenance of the non-sugary kind
The decor table

So, of course by now, the sun started to come out.  Dang it, it was supposed to rain today!  Oh well, baking in we go.  Whew, it takes a long time to make that many cookies.  We must have ended up with at least 20 dozen cookies.  Seriously!
After about 3 hours of standing and baking and rolling and dropping, it was refreshment time!

                                     The fruits of our labor were plentiful!

After all of the baking, we retired to the deck to enjoy the sunset and the beautiful weather.  Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup (hey, it was supposed to be raining and December!)

It was a fun way to repay all of the generosity I have been given during this commitment to walk 60 miles and end breast cancer.  Forever.

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