Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Less than 1 month to go!

Tonight it's back to walking after a week long hiatus.   I won't lie.  It's been nice.  The trip to Portland was a huge success.  We left early on Thursday morning, checked into the hotel, had some dinner and then walked a couple of blocks to catch the light rail to the Rose Garden.  I love Portland's transit system.  It is awesome and so easy to use.  GaGa fanatics were everywhere in their hot pink wigs, masks and crazy clothes.  There was A LOT of leg showing Thursday night.  Short, short skirts and high heels.  Lots and lots of eye candy.  Very campy, very fun!  After the (amazing) concert, we met up with the rest of the fam who were at a karaoke bar a mile from the Rose Garden, so we walked there and closed the place down.

Friday morning after breakfast, I was on flower duty.  Courtney aka the bride, was at a dahlia farm personally picking her flowers for bouquets and center pieces.  How fun is that?  While, I did no walking on Friday, I was aching after 5 hours of stooping and reaching and cutting and lifting flowers and vases.  Ugh!  But they were gorgeous and the bride was thrilled with our handiwork.  The rehearsal, then dinner and then a late night meet up afterward and this girl was TIRED.  I am OLD, remember?  Too much hardy in my party : )

Saturday was breakfast with the fam and then off to the reception site to set up tables and flowers.  So fun to see the transformation!  Off to change clothes, and then off to cathedral park for the wedding.  So casual, so THEM, so right.  Just beautiful.  Everyone had their dancing shoes on for the reception.  Even after the band quit playing, we were all still on the floor until they pulled the power plug at 1 a.m.  Dang it!  Had a wonderful time.

Sunday morning and black out shades created the perfect sleeping environment.  A look at tthe clock and a jump out of bed "It's 10:00!!!!!"  Anyone that knows me, knows that I don't sleep in.  8:00 is probably my record.  Until now.  Holy moley!  2 showers, pack everything up, pick up Mom and we were checked out before 11:00.  How's that for fast??  Everyone was already at Courtney and Sean's for breakfast and we were the late stragglers.  Oh well.  We had more rest than they did!

Now, you might be asking why I am recounting the weekend's festivities on a blog about the 3 day.  Well, it's about balance.  It's about life.  It's about being in the moment.  Terry and I both took our tennis shoes with plans to get up early every morning and get a little walking in.  That never happened.  It was a crazy busy, ridiculously fun weekend and also a chance to catch up on some much needed sleep.  With working and household chores and walking, there is no sleep in time, no catch up time.  This weekend was a wonderful family connection time with lots of buzz and busy-ness.  I wouldn't change one minute of it. 

Today is Wednesday and tonight it's back to walking.  It's back in the saddle!  This weekend, the walks are 18.5 on Saturday and 15 miles on Sunday.  There are only 2 more weekends to walk.  A weekend off and then the 3 day weekend will be here.  It's coming up FAST!

Live in the moment. Cherish the memories.  Then get your butt back out there! 

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