Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cookies and what other ideas can I come up with?

If you are reading this, THANK YOU!  Reaching out to friends and family to fund raise,.....well, it's uncomfortable.  It is hard to ask for money, even if I know it isn't for me.  I just received an email from the Komen Foundation that I have raised half of the $2300 minimum requirement.  Yeah!  It is because I have amazing friends and family. 

Reading the Komen site for fundraising ideas, I came up with a cookie drawing if I can raise another $500 by Friday.  As of the moment I am writing this, we are $150 away from that goal. I am going to bake one helluva (yes, that IS a word :-) bunch of cookies for whoever wins.  They will be baked with a lot of LOVE.  And no calories.  Ha!  OK, I can't work miracles.....or I wouldn't be chubby girl walking, now would I?

On the walking front, I have to tell you that Bella, my pooch and walking partner is getting much better at keeping a walking pace and doing less sniffing a long the way.  She LOVES to walk with me and today, when we walked the trails, she kept a nice little trot going in ffront of me almost the whole way.  In just a few weeks of training, a 4 mile walk seems short.  Will I get tot he point that 10 miles feels short?  Doubtful.  Well, maybe on the 60 mile walk!   I will post the cookie winner (I know we're going to get there) as soon as we do the drawing.  Yeah for cookies!

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