Monday, May 3, 2010

Two Days Post Sign up

By now you know I have signed up for the 3 day 60 mile Susan G Komen walk for a cure. Why now? Why not now? Actually, this walk has been on my "bucket list" for quite some time. I am not getting any younger, that's for sure. And as much as I continue to battle my weight, I am not getting much thinner, either. But as I get older, I realize how inter-connected we all are. The "six degrees of separation" thing. And the older I get, the more I know that each of us can do anything. One person CAN make a difference. Look at Nancy Brinker. Do you know who she is? She is Susan G. Komen's sister. A promise to her dying sister led the the largest grass roots network of activists and survivors working to find a cure for breast cancer. One woman started what is now an amazing organization. One woman. I am one woman. Thankfully, I have not lost a sister or a Mom or a daughter. I can't even fathom that. But millions of people HAVE lost someone. One is too many. But millions is awful.

So now, I walk. A little at a time. Today four miles, tomorrow five. One day 20. It is hard to imagine that this body can do that. But it will. I promise you.

The fund raising requirements are HUGE and kind of hard to wrap my head around. Each walker must raise at least $2,300 before you can walk. $2,300 before you can go on a walk for 3 days, for 60 miles, and sleep in a pink tent. I have never been a halfway kind of girl. So my personal goal is $3,000.

Follow along on this journey of mine. Somehow I think, at the end of it all, it will be ME that will be richer for it.

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