Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Solo Training Walk and 10% of goal!

This weekend, I am going to miss the group training walk because I will be in Portland with my Mom attending a bridal shower for my future daughter-in-law, Allison.  It is a busy and exciting time!  This weekend's training walk is 6 miles, so I figured there was no time like the present to get that walk under my belt.  So my trusty walking partner Bella and I suited up (ok, well maybe only I suited up while she excitedly waited at my feet) in my Marmot rain jacket, pink hat, gloves (is this May??) and headed out the door.  While it is great to have Bella as a walking partner, it can also be a tad annoying.   She is a smeller.  A sniffer.  A "what is that over there moving" -er.  I am sure that anyone who hears us walk by, thinks that my marching mantra is "leave it" and "ondiamo" (sp) the phrase our tour leader used in Italy when we headed out somewhere. 

The thing about my walks from home, is that each one is easier on the way out and uphill on the way home.  Our driveway alone is enough to slay the most fit of walkers.  Long and a steep uphill climb.  I could probably get rid of my big behind if I just went up and down my driveway 50 times a day.  But obviously that won't happen and hasn't happened.  A look in the mirror proves that!

The Walnut Street Cafe was my goal, while it took a little longer than I had hoped (remember my sniffing dog partner), it was a welcome sight from under my pink hat and very wet rain jacket.  Tom was waiting there for me with a fresh hot latte and Bella had a water bowl outside.  A glass of water, a bathroom break and we headed back home.  We took a different route back, past some amazing homes on the water and thankfullly no more rain.  Up the hill on Wharf Street and finally up the "final assault" aka my driveway, and we were home in about 2 1/2 hours.  6.5 miles.  Done. 

6.5 miles.  The 3 day walk is 20 miles a day.  So, my sense of accomplishment, while gratifying, was short lived.  I have a lot of training to do to get to 20 miles in a day.  But still, a month ago, 3 miles was an accomplishment. 

This morning, when I opened my email, I had a note from the 3 Day Walk for the Cure site that I had another donation.  It is kind of like Christmas, these emails.  Family friends, former clients, family.  As they told us in the inital meeting, we don't know who has been touched by breast cancer.  As we share our story and ask for donations (the HARD part) we learn so much about others, their stories and we receive their encouragement.  Thank you!  I am 10% there.  I appreciate it so much.

Cheri aka CJ aka Chubby Girl is Walking

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the name of your website. I am so proud of you for "stepping" up to the cause. So glad you have your "walking Partner" Bella. You go girl!
